For this collaboration, we have asked a Berlin-based photographer Rita Lino to capture raw moments in her daily
whether it reflects changes and the unchangeable.
"This collaboration with PERVERZE brought me back into myself through a look at my own fantasy.
Closer to my own reality, incorporating different personas and situations as a metaphor for my personal life and
Exploring the possibility of new realities, living in parallel with each other.
Projecting myself into them in a blink of an eye. This must be the place!" - Rita Lino
Born in Portugal in 1986, Rita Lino began tracing her own path in photography.
She has been developing her own personal series and projects, publishing 3 photobooks and also collaborating
with several international initiatives, exhibitions and collaboration with magazines and fashion brands.
Viviane Hausstein, born in Berlin, studied fashion design before leaving the city to work in various fashion
houses as a designer.
Later she decided to dedicate and focus herself more on styling and fashion consulting and with her versatile
She creates poetic and vivid looks with the approach of telling unique stories while connecting the crafts with
collaborating with magazines like Vogue, SZ mag, Nowness... among others.
今回のコラボレーションには、ベルリン在住の写真家Rita Lino(リタ・リノ)に今年変化したものも変わらなかったものも含め、日常生活の中のさまざまな瞬間を撮り下ろしてもらうよう依頼しました。
瞬きをするほどのわずかな間に私自身を新たな現実の中に映しだす。ここがその場所に違いない!、と。" ーRita Lino
Rita Lino (リタ・リノ)は1986年、ポルトガルに生まれ、写真家としての道を歩み始めました。
スタイリストのViviane Hausstein(ヴィヴィアン・ハウスシュタイン)は、ベルリンに生まれ、ファッションデザインを勉強し、様々なファッションハウスにてデザイナーとして経験を積みました。
ユニークな物語性のある詩的で鮮やかなスタイリングが得意で、過去にはVogue、SZ Mag、Nownessといった雑誌とともに作品を作り上げています。
Photography: Rita Lino
Styling: Viviane Hausstein
Set Design: Frederik Fialin
Hair Styling: Diego Freile
Photo Assistant: Michael José
Special thanks to So Last Season